Great Relationships, Great Life

Great Health, Good Relationships, Fantastic Sex and A Wonderful Life!

Enjoy A Better Relationship

Relationships are a challenging and difficult area for every couple, because so many of the factors that make a relationship succeed or fail are unconscious, out of awareness, not known, and therefore can impact in an unexpected way at the least provocation.

The unconscious factors that can interfere with a successful relationship are what Carl Jung called “shadow” — shadow being the unconscious part of ourselves that we have hidden, repressed or denied, and which still impacts on our behaviour and feelings — particularly in relationships.

Now the idea that hidden parts of yourself can impact on your relationship may seem strange. But think of how many times you’ve suddenly exploded into anger, or fear, or guilt or some other powerful emotion just because your partner said something that produced an unexpected response in you.

This is a perfect example of how powerful emotions in the unconscious can affect current behaviour, and is probably no exaggeration to say that these shadow emotions are mostly responsible for the breakup of boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, and partners of all other kinds. The tragedy is of course that we hold our unconscious shadows in the unconscious and therefore we very rarely get to see them, and even more rarely do we have a chance to work on them.

You could therefore say that one good thing that can come out of a relationship breakup is the fact that it gives you insight into your deeper emotional issues, and perhaps also a chance to heal them.

It’s an unexpected perspective — regarding a breakup with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend as a good thing, and perhaps something even quite therapeutic, but it’s a very positive way of looking at the situation, and one which can reframe what seems like an emotional disaster — and perhaps even the “end of your meaningful life” — into something more positive and constructive.

After all, you can take the emotional healing which comes from repairing a relationship breakup into the future, and use it to establish a better and perhaps more constructive way of life, either with the same partner or with a different one, depending on whether or not you choose to find reconciliation or move on.

Men: How To Relate To Women Through Your Inner Masculine Power!

Imagine dating with confidence, with self-assurance, standing in your true male power, with absolute certainty of your masculine self-esteem. Think what it would be like if you knew that no matter what a woman said or did, you’d remain firmly grounded in your masculinity?

And if you could always feel this way, what would it mean for the quality of your relationships with women?

I know this may seem far-fetched to some of you. But here’s the sad reality: as men, most of us don’t know how to relate to women. Mostly, it’s because our fathers never taught us how to do this. This is a problem for almost all men today. They are simply not initiated into manhood. There are no Rites of Passage. The transition between the Hero Archetype and the Warrior Archetype is never made. Here’s a book which tells you all about this: Warrior Magician Lover King.  It’s a book about male archetypes, the archetypes of king, warrior, magician and lover.

Our fathers never showed us how to be the powerful, natural man that women want, the man who makes a woman feel safe, protected, and appreciated – the man who can bring out a woman’s deepest feminine side (and that means the sexual “Goddess” in them!).

The bottom line is this: your essential masculine self, your real masculinity, the masculinity contained in your warrior archetype, is designed to complement a woman’s femininity in some very specific ways – and then a beautiful sexual and emotional relationship will unfold….just because of your male presence.

For generations, young men were initiated into the ways of manhood by older men, who showed them, in secret rituals and processes run by their magician archetypes, how to end their emotional orientation to women as “mother” and become independent, strong men with an appreciation of adult women as partners in a sexual relationship.

But when did that ever happen to any of us? We were taught to please women, to be good boys, or – even worse – we were taught to shut off our masculinity – often because a young boy’s male energy frightens his mother, especially when there isn’t a man around to “make it safe”.

What an irony. The thing that makes a woman “tingle” most is the sight and sound, the touch, the presence, of a “real” man. And most likely that’s not the man she was raising her son to be…..

No, because turning a boy into a man is a man’s job. And few men even know that fact, let alone know how to do it.  Do you think your father knew how to initiate you into the ways of true manhood?  No, of course not.

Result: we grow up wimping out around women, trying to please them, never feeling fully masculine. Worse, we spend our lives trying to heal their emotional wounds from our Little boy’s Lover archetype, putting up with nagging, lacking the courage to say what we truly think for fear of upsetting them, just not knowing what to say or do with women…..and giving ourselves away in a million and one ways every day.

Or, in the worst case of all, we never even approach them because we have no sense of who or what women are, and little sense of who we are as men.

Now, I’m giving you a warning: this is not a rehearsal. This is your life, man! So when are you going to take control of it – and get the woman you want in the relationship you want?

Control of everything around you depends on the power of your Sovereign or King archetype. He is the leader in your life.

You know something? That decision does not have to be a struggle. You can decide right now to change things. In this instant, you can accept RIGHT NOW that the way you’ve been living your life around women has to change and that you WILL change it! After all, making that kind of powerful decision is how a man forges his destiny – and that of the world around him.

I invite you to make that decision right now if you haven’t already. After all, what could be better than being in complete control of your own life and sexual destiny? The simple truth: if you really want things to be different, they can be – and they will be. Very soon.

Because, believe it or not, there are men around who know what it means to be a man and how to win a woman. Mostly, these men rediscovered this knowledge through trial and error, learning the hard way over a long period of time. But unlike the old days, where the secrets of male initiation were kept to the elders, this knowledge is available to all the men who want to change…. and when you grasp it, you may find you rock your world to the very foundations, and change absolutely how you see yourself.

This information will show you how to be a man at the very core of your being. After all, you have male genes, male chromosomes, a male brain and a male mind, and above all you have the power of your balls and your penis. Think about that glorious masculinity for a moment. It’s yours. Do you want to live it?

Your masculinity is lying dormant inside you, like a sleeping giant, waiting for you to rediscover and bring out its power! And that, brother, is no exaggeration. I can tell you, whatever your life looks like right now, you don’t even know a fraction of your own strength yet. I know, because I’ve been down this whole journey before you.

So. This knowledge, this information, will show you how to embody ways of thinking, feeling and acting that produce a sense of total self-confidence when you are picking up, dating or meeting women. It will give you a real sense of masculine presence when you are in a relationship. It will infuse every fiber of your being with a supreme sense of being grounded in your masculinity – no matter what a woman may do to test you.

(Yes, a woman tests a man repeatedly until she is sure he’s solid in his masculinity. Only then will she open herself fully – sexually and emotionally – to him. That’s not a conscious process – it’s just what happens between men and women, and if you don’t know how to deal with it, the predictable result will be nagging, arguments, bad feeling and resentment, followed by a lame apology – even when you didn’t even do anything “wrong” – making up, and the whole cycle starting again – with probably a lingering sense of shame on your part).

At this point I don’t want you to despair. There is a lot to learn about being a man in today’s society. But the truly astounding thing is that you can absorb this knowledge easily, and from the moment you start to do so, you’ll see your life begin to change. You’ll hear people talk to you differently – women in particular – with a new kind of respect that may shock you. At least for a while.

Video – what women want from a man in relationship